An Association Analysis Approach to Biclustering

Gaurav Pandey , Gowtham Atluri, Michael Steinbach, Chad L. Myers and Vipin Kumar

RAP C++ code: Download

Intructions to Compile and Run:
g++ -o rap rap.cpp
chmod u+x rap
./rap <data file > <min support> <range> <transaction labels> <item labels>

Input file formats and sample files:
The data file contains the m x n matrix with each row in a line and each element (in %1.4f format) in a row separated by a comma. Download the microarray data set (300 conditions X 4684 genes) used in the paper (large file!).
The transaction labels file contains the labels for the transactions one in each row in an m row file. Download the labels for the transactions (condition names) in the above data set.
The item labels file contains the labels for the items one in each row in an n row file. Download the labels for the items (gene names) in the above data set.

Note that the same data was used for running the CC and ISA algorithms within the BicAT software, with appropriate modifications to the input files.

Sample output file: Download (large file!).